The Ultimate Guide: How to Check if Some Other Package is Able to Post Notifications on Android 10~12?
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The Ultimate Guide: How to Check if Some Other Package is Able to Post Notifications on Android 10~12?

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Are you tired of asking yourself whether a specific package can send notifications on Android 10~12? Well, wonder no more! In this article, we’ll dive into the world of Android notifications and explore the easiest ways to check if another package is capable of posting notifications on Android 10~12.

Understanding Android Notifications

Before we dive into the solution, it’s essential to understand how Android notifications work. Notifications are a crucial part of the Android ecosystem, allowing apps to communicate with users and provide important information. Android 10~12 introduced significant changes to the notification system, making it more secure and user-friendly.

Notification Channels

In Android 10~12, notifications are organized into channels, which allow users to customize their notification experience. Each channel represents a type of notification, such as alerts, reminders, or updates. When an app posts a notification, it must specify the channel it belongs to.

Notification Permissions

To post notifications, an app must declare the `POST_NOTIFICATIONS` permission in its AndroidManifest.xml file. This permission allows the app to send notifications to the user. However, it’s not enough to simply declare the permission; the app must also be granted the permission by the system or user.

Checking if a Package Can Post Notifications

Now that we understand the basics of Android notifications, let’s explore the ways to check if another package can post notifications on Android 10~12.

Method 1: Using the `dumpsys` Command

The `dumpsys` command is a powerful tool that allows you to introspect the Android system and retrieve information about various components, including notification channels and permissions.

adb shell dumpsys notification

This command will display a wealth of information about the notification system, including the list of packages that have permission to post notifications. Look for the `enabled_notification_listeners` section, which contains the list of packages allowed to post notifications.

Method 2: Using the `pm` Command

The `pm` command is used to manage packages and permissions on an Android device.

adb shell pm list packages -d -f com.example.package

This command will display the details of the specified package, including its permissions. Look for the `android.permission.POST_NOTIFICATIONS` permission to see if the package has been granted the permission to post notifications.

Method 3: Using the Android Settings App

Another way to check if a package can post notifications is to use the Android Settings app.

  1. Open the Settings app on an Android 10~12 device.
  2. Navigate to the “Apps & notifications” or “Apps” section.
  3. Find the package you want to check and select it.
  4. Look for the “Notifications” or “App notifications” section.
  5. If the package is allowed to post notifications, you should see a toggle switch or a checkbox labeled “Allow notifications” or “Show notifications.”

If the toggle switch or checkbox is enabled, the package is capable of posting notifications.

Programmatic Approach

What if you want to check if a package can post notifications programmatically? You can use the Android SDK to achieve this.

import android.content.Context;
import android.os.Build;
import android.provider.Settings;

public boolean canPostNotifications(Context context, String packageName) {
    if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.Q) {
        String enabledNotificationListeners = Settings.Secure.getString(context.getContentResolver(), "enabled_notification_listeners");
        return enabledNotificationListeners != null && enabledNotificationListeners.contains(packageName);
    } else {
        // For Android 9 and below, use the pm command or other methods
        return false;

This code snippet uses the `Settings.Secure` class to retrieve the list of enabled notification listeners. It then checks if the specified package is in the list. Note that this method only works for Android 10~12 and above.


In this article, we explored three methods to check if another package is able to post notifications on Android 10~12: using the `dumpsys` command, the `pm` command, and the Android Settings app. We also discussed a programmatic approach to achieve this. By following these methods, you’ll be able to determine whether a specific package can send notifications on Android 10~12 devices.

Method Description
dumpsys Command Uses the dumpsys command to retrieve information about the notification system and check if a package has permission to post notifications.
pm Command Uses the pm command to manage packages and permissions, checking if a package has been granted the POST_NOTIFICATIONS permission.
Android Settings App Uses the Android Settings app to check if a package is allowed to post notifications.
Programmatic Approach Uses the Android SDK to programmatically check if a package can post notifications.

Remember, understanding Android notifications and permissions is crucial for developing effective and user-friendly apps. By following this guide, you’ll be well-equipped to handle notifications and permissions in your Android projects.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the purpose of notification channels? Notification channels allow users to customize their notification experience and provide a way for apps to organize their notifications.
  • How do I declare the POST_NOTIFICATIONS permission in my app? You can declare the POST_NOTIFICATIONS permission in your AndroidManifest.xml file by adding the following line: ``.
  • Can I use the dumpsys command on a non-rooted device? Yes, you can use the dumpsys command on a non-rooted device, but the output may be limited compared to a rooted device.

By now, you should have a solid understanding of how to check if another package is able to post notifications on Android 10~12. If you have any further questions or need more clarification, feel free to ask in the comments below!

Frequently Asked Question

Unlock the secrets of Android 10-12 notifications and learn how to check if another package can post notifications!

What’s the deal with notification permissions on Android 10 and above?

Starting from Android 10, Google introduced a new permission system for notifications. Now, apps need to declare the permission `` in their AndroidManifest.xml file to be able to post notifications. This permission is not granted by default, and users need to explicitly allow it for each app.

How do I check if another package has the POST_NOTIFICATIONS permission on Android 10 and above?

You can use the `canNotify()` method from the `NotificationManager` class to check if a package has the permission to post notifications. This method takes the package name as a parameter and returns a boolean indicating whether the package has the permission or not.

What’s the syntax for checking notification permission in Android?

The syntax is: `NotificationManager notificationManager = (NotificationManager) getSystemService(Context.NOTIFICATION_SERVICE); boolean canPost = notificationManager.canNotify(packageName);`. Simply replace `packageName` with the name of the package you want to check.

Can I request the POST_NOTIFICATIONS permission at runtime on Android 10 and above?

Unfortunately, no. The POST_NOTIFICATIONS permission is a system-level permission that cannot be requested at runtime. The user needs to grant this permission manually in the Android settings.

How do I handle cases where the package doesn’t have the POST_NOTIFICATIONS permission?

You should handle this case by directing the user to the Android settings where they can grant the permission manually. You can use the `startActivity()` method with an intent to open the app’s notification settings page, allowing the user to enable notifications for your app.