Replacing direct usage of std::_Dist_type from old msvc100 code for msvc142: A Step-by-Step Guide
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Replacing direct usage of std::_Dist_type from old msvc100 code for msvc142: A Step-by-Step Guide

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If you’re struggling to port your old MSVC100 code to the newer MSVC142, you’re not alone! One of the common issues that developers face is the deprecation of std::_Dist_type. In this article, we’ll take you by the hand and guide you through the process of replacing direct usage of std::_Dist_type with the new and improved alternatives. Buckle up and let’s dive in!

What is std::_Dist_type and why is it deprecated?

std::_Dist_type was a part of the old MSVC100 implementation of the C++ Standard Library. It was used to represent the distance between two iterators, which is essential for algorithms like std::distance and std::advance. However, with the release of MSVC142, Microsoft deprecated std::_Dist_type in favor of more modern and efficient implementations.

Why do I need to replace std::_Dist_type?

If you’re still using MSVC100, you might not need to worry about replacing std::_Dist_type just yet. However, if you’re planning to upgrade to MSVC142 or later, you’ll need to update your code to avoid compilation errors. The good news is that replacing std::_Dist_type is relatively straightforward, and we’ll show you how to do it.

Alternatives to std::_Dist_type

So, what can you use instead of std::_Dist_type? The answer is simple: std::ptrdiff_t. This type is part of the C++ Standard Library and is used to represent the distance between two iterators. It’s a signed integer type that’s large enough to hold the difference between two addresses.

Using std::ptrdiff_t with iterators

Here’s an example of how you can use std::ptrdiff_t with iterators:

#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>

int main() {
    int arr[5] = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5};
    auto it1 = arr;
    auto it2 = arr + 3;

    std::ptrdiff_t distance = std::distance(it1, it2);
    std::cout << "Distance between it1 and it2: " << distance << std::endl;

    return 0;

In this example, we use the std::distance function to calculate the distance between two iterators, it1 and it2. The result is stored in a variable of type std::ptrdiff_t.

Step-by-Step Guide to Replacing std::_Dist_type

Now that you know about the alternatives to std::_Dist_type, it’s time to replace it in your code. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you do just that:

  1. Identify instances of std::_Dist_type

    Start by searching your codebase for instances of std::_Dist_type. You can use your IDE’s search function or a tool like grep to find all occurrences.

  2. Replace std::_Dist_type with std::ptrdiff_t

    Once you’ve identified the instances of std::_Dist_type, replace them with std::ptrdiff_t. This is a direct substitution, so you can simply replace the old type with the new one.

  3. In some cases, you might need to update related code to work with std::ptrdiff_t. For example, if you’re using a function that takes a std::_Dist_type parameter, you’ll need to update it to take a std::ptrdiff_t parameter instead.

  4. Verify and test your code

    After making the changes, verify that your code compiles correctly and runs as expected. Test your code thoroughly to ensure that it produces the same results as before.

Common Pitfalls to Avoid

When replacing std::_Dist_type with std::ptrdiff_t, there are a few common pitfalls to avoid:

  • Make sure to update all related code to work with std::ptrdiff_t. This includes functions, variables, and data structures that rely on std::_Dist_type.

  • Using the wrong type

    Double-check that you’re using std::ptrdiff_t instead of std::size_t or other types. std::ptrdiff_t is the correct type to use for representing the distance between two iterators.

  • Not testing thoroughly

    Don’t assume that your code will work correctly after replacing std::_Dist_type with std::ptrdiff_t. Test your code thoroughly to ensure that it produces the same results as before.


Replacing direct usage of std::_Dist_type with std::ptrdiff_t is a relatively simple process, but it requires attention to detail and thorough testing. By following the steps outlined in this article, you’ll be able to update your code to work with MSVC142 and later versions of the Microsoft Visual C++ compiler.

Additional Resources

If you’re looking for more information on std::ptrdiff_t or iterators in general, here are some additional resources:

Old Code New Code
std::_Dist_type std::ptrdiff_t

We hope this article has been helpful in your journey to replace std::_Dist_type with std::ptrdiff_t. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Are you stuck in the past with your old MSVC100 code and struggling to replace direct usage of std::_Dist_type for MSVC142? Worry not, dear developer, for we’ve got you covered! Here are the answers to your most pressing questions:

What’s the issue with using std::_Dist_type in old MSVC100 code?

The issue is that std::_Dist_type is not a standard-compliant type and is specific to the older MSVC100 compiler. When you try to compile this code with the newer MSVC142 compiler, it will throw errors because std::_Dist_type is not recognized.

What’s the recommended replacement for std::_Dist_type in MSVC142?

The recommended replacement is std::dist_t, which is a standard-compliant type. This type is available in the <numeric> header file and provides the same functionality as std::_Dist_type.

Will I need to make any other changes to my code besides replacing std::_Dist_type?

Possibly, yes. Depending on your code, you might need to update other deprecated functions or types that are no longer supported in MSVC142. It’s essential to review your code thoroughly to ensure compatibility with the newer compiler.

How can I ensure that my code is compatible with both MSVC100 and MSVC142?

You can use preprocessor directives to conditionally include code specific to each compiler version. For example, you can use #ifdef _MSC_VER >= 1900 to include code specific to MSVC142, and #else for MSVC100.

What’s the best way to test my code after replacing std::_Dist_type with std::dist_t?

Thoroughly test your code with a range of input values and edge cases to ensure it produces the same results as before. You can also use testing frameworks like Google Test or Catch2 to write unit tests and validate your code.

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