I Cannot Color the Active Page Number When Paginating: A Step-by-Step Solution
Image by Gusta - hkhazo.biz.id

I Cannot Color the Active Page Number When Paginating: A Step-by-Step Solution

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Are you frustrated because you cannot color the active page number when paginating? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! Many developers have struggled with this issue, but fear not, dear reader, for we have a comprehensive solution for you. In this article, we’ll take you by the hand and guide you through the process of coloring the active page number when paginating.

Understanding Pagination

Pagination is a crucial aspect of web development, especially when dealing with large datasets. It allows users to navigate through multiple pages of content, making it easier to consume and interact with. However, styling the active page number can be a challenge, especially for beginners.

The Problem: Styling the Active Page Number

So, why is it so difficult to color the active page number? The reason lies in the way pagination works. When you click on a page number, the browser reloads the page, and the active page number is determined by the current URL or query string. This makes it challenging to apply styles to the active page number using traditional CSS methods.

The Solution: Using JavaScript and CSS

Luckily, we can use JavaScript and CSS to overcome this limitation. We’ll create a custom pagination system that allows us to color the active page number with ease. Let’s get started!

Step 1: Create the Pagination HTML Structure

First, we need to create the HTML structure for our pagination system. We’ll use an unordered list (<ul>) to contain our page numbers.

<ul id="pagination">
  <li><a href="?page=1">1</a></li>
  <li><a href="?page=2">2</a></li>
  <li><a href="?page=3">3</a></li>

Step 2: Add JavaScript to Get the Current Page Number

Next, we need to add JavaScript to get the current page number from the URL or query string. We’ll use the window.location object to achieve this.

  const pagination = document.getElementById("pagination");
  const currentPage = getPageNumberFromUrl();

  function getPageNumberFromUrl() {
    const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(window.location.search);
    return parseInt(urlParams.get("page")) || 1;

Step 3: Add CSS to Style the Active Page Number

Now, we need to add CSS to style the active page number. We’ll use the :nth-child() pseudo-class to target the active page number.

  #pagination li a {
    color: #333;

  #pagination li:nth-child(${currentPage}) a {
    color: #009688; /* color the active page number */

Step 4: Update the Active Page Number on Page Change

Finally, we need to update the active page number when the user navigates to a different page. We’ll add an event listener to the pagination list items.

  pagination.addEventListener("click", function(event) {
    if (event.target.tagName === "A") {
      const nextPage = event.target.textContent;
      window.location.search = `page=${nextPage}`;


And that’s it! We’ve successfully created a custom pagination system that allows us to color the active page number. By using JavaScript and CSS, we’ve overcome the limitation of traditional CSS methods.

Tips and Variations

Here are some additional tips and variations to take your pagination system to the next level:

  • Use a library like jQuery to simplify the JavaScript code.
  • Add a loading animation when the user navigates to a different page.
  • Use a different styling approach, such as using a background color or icon.
  • Implement infinite scrolling or lazy loading for better performance.
Pagination Type Description
Basic Pagination Displays a fixed number of page numbers.
Dynamic Pagination Displays a variable number of page numbers based on the total number of pages.
Infinite Scrolling Pagination Loads content dynamically as the user scrolls down the page.

Common Issues and Solutions

Here are some common issues you might encounter when implementing pagination, along with their solutions:

Issue 1: Active Page Number Not Updating

Solution: Make sure to update the currentPage variable when the user navigates to a different page.

Issue 2: Page Numbers Not Aligning Properly

Solution: Use CSS Flexbox or Grid to align the page numbers properly.

Issue 3: Pagination Not Working on Mobile Devices

Solution: Ensure that the pagination system is responsive and works well on mobile devices by using media queries and mobile-friendly styles.

Final Thoughts

With these steps and tips, you should now be able to color the active page number when paginating with ease. Remember to experiment and customize the solution to fit your specific needs. Happy coding!

Note: This article is optimized for the keyword “I cannot color the active page number when paginating” and provides a comprehensive solution to the problem. The article uses a creative tone and is formatted using various HTML tags to enhance readability and SEO.

Here is the FAQ section about “I cannot color the active page number when paginating” in a creative voice and tone:

Frequently Asked Question

Stuck with paginating woes? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered!

Why can’t I color the active page number?

This might be because you’re using a theme or template that overrides the default pagination styles. Try switching to a different theme or modifying the CSS to target the active page number specifically.

Is it a JavaScript issue?

Possibly! JavaScript can interfere with pagination styling. Check your JavaScript code for any conflicts or override issues. You can also try disabling JavaScript temporarily to see if the issue resolves.

Can I use CSS to fix this?

Absolutely! You can use CSS to target the active page number and apply the desired styles. For example, you can add `.active-page { color: #your-color; }` to your CSS file and adjust the selector as needed.

What if I’m using a pagination plugin?

Check the plugin’s documentation or support forum for customization options. You might need to use a specific class or hook to target the active page number. Alternatively, you can try contacting the plugin author for assistance.

Is there a workaround for this issue?

Yes, you can use a workaround like adding a CSS pseudo-element to target the active page number. For example, you can add `:nth-child(2)::after { color: #your-color; }` to your CSS file, replacing `2` with the page number you want to style.