Mastering Shopware Administration: Saving Custom Fields While Creating New Orders
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Mastering Shopware Administration: Saving Custom Fields While Creating New Orders

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As an e-commerce professional, you understand the importance of efficient order management. Shopware, a leading e-commerce platform, offers a robust administration panel to streamline your workflow. However, when it comes to creating new orders, you might encounter a roadblock: saving custom fields. Fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to embark on a journey to conquer this challenge together!

Why Custom Fields Matter

In Shopware, custom fields allow you to capture additional information about your customers, orders, or products. This data can be instrumental in making informed business decisions, providing better customer service, or even automating certain tasks. But, without proper setup, these custom fields might not be saved when creating new orders. That’s where we come in!


Before we dive into the solution, ensure you have:

  • A Shopware 6 installation (or higher)
  • Basic knowledge of Shopware administration and entity management
  • A custom field created and assigned to the sales_order entity (we’ll cover this in more detail later)

Step 1: Accessing the Sales Order Entity

To begin, navigate to your Shopware administration panel and follow these steps:

  1. Click on the “Settings” icon () in the top-right corner
  2. Choose “Entity management” from the dropdown menu
  3. Search for “sales_order” in the entity list and click on the corresponding result

Understanding the Sales Order Entity

The sales_order entity is responsible for storing order-related data. By default, it includes fields like orderID, customerID, and orderDate. However, we want to focus on our custom field, which we’ll create in the next step.

Step 2: Creating a Custom Field for the Sales Order Entity

If you haven’t already, create a new custom field for the sales_order entity:

  1. In the entity management screen, click the “Create field” button
  2. Choose “Text” as the field type (or any other suitable type for your specific use case)
  3. Enter a unique field name (e.g., “custom_order_reference”) and label (e.g., “Custom Order Reference”)
  4. Save the new field

Assigning the Custom Field to the Sales Order Entity

Ensure the custom field is assigned to the sales_order entity:

  1. In the entity management screen, click on the “Assign fields” button
  2. Select the sales_order entity from the dropdown menu
  3. Check the box next to your custom field (e.g., custom_order_reference)
  4. Save the changes

Step 3: Configuring the Order Creation Process

Now that our custom field is in place, let’s configure the order creation process to save this data:

  1. Go to the “Orders” module in your Shopware administration panel
  2. Click on the “Create order” button
  3. In the order creation screen, click on the “Edit” button next to the “Order data” section
  4. In the “Order data” section, click the “Add field” button
  5. Search for your custom field (e.g., custom_order_reference) and select it from the list
  6. Save the changes

Saving the Custom Field Data

When creating a new order, you’ll now see your custom field in the “Order data” section. Enter the desired value for this field and save the order:

Step 4: Verifying the Saved Data

After saving the order, let’s check if our custom field data was successfully stored:

  1. Go to the “Orders” module in your Shopware administration panel
  2. Find the newly created order and click on it
  3. In the order details screen, scroll down to the “Order data” section
  4. Verify that your custom field (e.g., custom_order_reference) has the entered value (e.g., CUSTOMERREF001)

Troubleshooting Tips

If you encounter issues saving custom field data, try the following:

  • Check the custom field’s configuration and ensure it’s assigned to the sales_order entity
  • Verify that the custom field is added to the order creation screen
  • Review the order creation process to ensure the custom field data is being entered correctly


With these straightforward steps, you’ve successfully configured Shopware to save custom field data when creating new orders. This powerful feature will help you streamline your order management process, gather valuable insights, and provide better customer experiences. Remember to stay organized, and don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any further questions or need additional guidance!

Custom Field Sales Order Entity Order Creation Process
Created and assigned to sales_order entity Configured to save custom field data Custom field added to order creation screen

By mastering the art of saving custom fields while creating new orders in Shopware, you’ll be well on your way to e-commerce success!

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “Shopware administration save custom field while creating new order” in a creative voice and tone:

Frequently Asked Question

Get the inside scoop on saving custom fields while creating new orders in Shopware administration!

Can I save custom fields while creating a new order in Shopware administration?

Yes, you can! In Shopware administration, you can add custom fields to the order creation process. This allows you to collect additional information about the order, such as custom order notes or special instructions. To save custom fields, go to the order creation page, add the custom fields you need, and fill them in accordingly. Once you’ve completed the order creation process, the custom fields will be saved along with the order.

How do I add custom fields to the order creation page in Shopware administration?

Easy peasy! To add custom fields to the order creation page, go to the Shopware administration dashboard, navigate to Settings > Custom Fields, and click on “Add custom field”. From there, you can select the field type, add a label, and configure any additional settings as needed. Once you’ve created the custom field, it will be available on the order creation page.

What types of custom fields can I add to the order creation page in Shopware administration?

The possibilities are endless! In Shopware administration, you can add various types of custom fields, including text fields, dropdown menus, checkboxes, and more. You can also configure the field to be required or optional, depending on your business needs.

Can I save custom fields for specific customer groups or order types in Shopware administration?

You bet! In Shopware administration, you can configure custom fields to be visible or required only for specific customer groups or order types. This way, you can tailor the order creation process to meet the unique needs of different customer segments or order types.

Will custom fields be visible in the order overview page in Shopware administration?

Yes, they will! Once you’ve saved custom fields during order creation, they will be visible in the order overview page, allowing you to quickly view and reference the additional information you’ve collected.

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