Unlocking the Power of Formio: Dynamic Title Inside Data Grid
Image by Gusta - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking the Power of Formio: Dynamic Title Inside Data Grid

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Are you tired of static data grids that fail to engage your users? Do you want to take your Formio forms to the next level by adding dynamic titles that respond to user interactions? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll show you how to create a dynamic title inside a data grid using Formio, the ultimate form builder.

What is Formio and Why Should You Care?

Formio is a powerful, open-source form builder that allows developers to create custom forms with ease. With its drag-and-drop interface, robust API, and extensive library of plugins, Formio has become the go-to tool for building dynamic forms that collect data, streamline workflows, and engage users.

If you’re new to Formio, don’t worry! We’ll get you up to speed in no time. If you’re already a Formio pro, you know that its flexibility and customization options are unmatched. So, let’s dive into the meat of the matter – creating a dynamic title inside a data grid.

What is a Dynamic Title Inside a Data Grid?

A dynamic title inside a data grid is a title that changes in real-time based on user interactions, such as filtering, sorting, or searching. It’s a powerful feature that enhances user experience, provides context, and makes your data grid more interactive.

Imagine a data grid that displays a list of orders. With a dynamic title, you can show the total number of orders, the total value of the orders, or the average order value. As the user filters or sorts the data, the title updates automatically, providing a seamless and engaging experience.

Step-by-Step Guide to Creating a Dynamic Title Inside a Data Grid

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s get our hands dirty! Follow these steps to create a dynamic title inside a data grid using Formio:

Step 1: Create a New Formio Form

First, create a new Formio form by clicking on the “Create Form” button in your Formio dashboard. Choose a template or start from scratch – it’s up to you!

Step 2: Add a Data Grid Component

In the Formio builder, drag and drop a data grid component onto your form. This will be the container for your dynamic title.


Step 3: Add a Title Component

Next, add a title component above the data grid. This will hold our dynamic title. Make sure to give it a unique ID, such as “dynamicTitle.”


Step 4: Define the Dynamic Title Text

In your form’s JavaScript code, define a function that updates the dynamic title text based on user interactions. We’ll use the `datagrid` component’s events to trigger the update.

export default {
  data() {
    return {
      dynamicTitleText: ""
  mounted() {
    this.$refs.datagrid.on("filter", (filter) => {
    this.$refs.datagrid.on("sort", (sort) => {
  methods: {
    updateDynamicTitleText(event) {
      const data = this.$refs.datagrid.data;
      const totalOrders = data.length;
      const totalValue = data.reduce((acc, current) => acc + current.value, 0);
      this.dynamicTitleText = `Showing ${totalOrders} orders with a total value of ${totalValue}`;

Step 5: Update the Dynamic Title Text

Finally, update the dynamic title text by calling the `updateDynamicTitleText` function whenever the user interacts with the data grid. This could be on filter, sort, or search events.

That’s it! You now have a dynamic title inside a data grid using Formio. Pat yourself on the back – you’ve earned it!

Advanced Techniques for Dynamic Titles

Now that you’ve mastered the basics, let’s take it to the next level! Here are some advanced techniques to enhance your dynamic titles:

Method 1: Using Formio’s Built-in Functions

Formio provides a range of built-in functions that can be used to create dynamic titles. For example, you can use the `sum` function to calculate the total value of a column.

this.dynamicTitleText = `Total value: ${this.$refs.datagrid.sum("value")}`;

Method 2: Using External Libraries

If you need more advanced calculations or data manipulation, you can use external libraries like Lodash or Moment.js. These libraries provide a range of functions that can be used to create dynamic titles.

import _ from "lodash";

this.dynamicTitleText = `Average order value: ${_.meanBy(this.$refs.datagrid.data, "value")}`;

Method 3: Using Ajax Requests

If you need to fetch data from an external API or database, you can use Ajax requests to create dynamic titles. This is particularly useful when you need to fetch data that’s not already loaded in the data grid.

  .then(response => {
    this.dynamicTitleText = `Total orders: ${response.data.totalOrders}`;
  .catch(error => {

Best Practices for Dynamic Titles

Now that you’ve learned the ropes, here are some best practices to keep in mind when creating dynamic titles:

  • Keep it concise**: Dynamic titles should be short and sweet. Avoid lengthy titles that clutter the user interface.
  • Use clear language**: Use clear and concise language thatcommunicates the purpose of the data grid.
  • Make it responsive**: Ensure that your dynamic title is responsive and adjusts to different screen sizes and devices.
  • Test thoroughly**: Test your dynamic title thoroughly to ensure it updates correctly and doesn’t cause any errors.


And there you have it! You now possess the knowledge to create dynamic titles inside data grids using Formio. With these skills, you can take your forms to the next level and provide an engaging experience for your users.

Remember, the key to creating a great dynamic title is to keep it concise, clear, and responsive. Don’t be afraid to experiment and try new things – and don’t forget to test thoroughly!

Thanks for joining me on this journey into the world of Formio and dynamic titles. Happy coding, and I’ll see you in the next tutorial!

Keyword Usage
Formio 15
Data Grid 8
Dynamic Title 10

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to master the art of dynamic titles inside Data Grid with Formio!

How do I set a dynamic title inside a Data Grid using Formio?

To set a dynamic title inside a Data Grid, you can use the `title` property and bind it to a formula or a variable. For example, you can use `{{survey.title}}` to display the title of the survey, or `{{userName}}` to display the current user’s name. You can also use JavaScript expressions to create more complex dynamic titles.

Can I use conditional logic to control the dynamic title based on user input?

Absolutely! With Formio, you can use conditional logic to control the dynamic title based on user input. For example, you can use `{{if userInput == ‘USA’}} ‘USA Title’ {{else}} ‘Non-USA Title’ {{endif}}` to display different titles based on the user’s input.

How can I display a different title for each row in the Data Grid?

To display a different title for each row in the Data Grid, you can use the `title` property and bind it to a formula that references the current row data. For example, `{{row.userName}}` will display the user name for each row.

Can I use HTML in my dynamic title to add formatting and styles?

Yes, you can use HTML in your dynamic title to add formatting and styles. For example, `{{survey.title}}` will display the survey title in bold. Just make sure to use valid HTML syntax and avoid using scripts or unsafe content.

What are some best practices for using dynamic titles inside Data Grids?

Some best practices for using dynamic titles inside Data Grids include keeping your formulas simple and concise, using meaningful variable names, and testing your dynamic titles thoroughly to ensure they work as expected. Additionally, consider using conditional logic to handle edge cases and errors.

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